Conference article

GPS for Demented; an Analysis of Success Criteria and of Health and Care Workers` Attitudes to Using Tracking Technology

Beate Thorsen
Lørenskog municipality, Norway

Geir S. Nilsen
Kristiansand municipality, Norway

Carl Erik Moe
University of Agder, Norway

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Published in: Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics 2012; October 2-3; Linköping; Sverige

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 70:4, p. 19-25

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Published: 2012-09-28

ISBN: 978-91-7519-758-6

ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)


The demographical development in Norway will lead to a huge increase in the number of elderly by the year of 2050. There will be fewer employees per person in need of care; and this will be a challenge for the health care sector if services are to be kept at the current standard. New technology may help to alleviate this problem. Consequently we carried out a qualitative study focusing on the use of GPS technology as a wander management system in five municipalities in Norway. The data were analyzed with Leavitts diamond and The DeLone & McLean Model of IS Success [1] as reference models. The informants found the GPS`s easy to use. Health workers were able to locate patients equipped with a GPS and the technology was sufficiently accurate to map patients outdoors. Health care workers and relatives experienced increased safety and freedom of movement for all patients. However there were challenges with battery capacity; organization of the services and in securing that the GPS was carried with the patient. Furthermore; the respondents claimed that large scale deployment will require organizational changes; to enable employees to manage the technology.


Health care workers; GPS; wander management systems; demented; tracking technology


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