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Ruda Bridge
< Westwards | Cape Birgitta | Borensberg (Husbyfjöl) | Näs Bridge
Kungs Norrby Bridge | Sörby Bridge | Ruda BridgeSjöbacka Bridge
Ljung BridgesSkarpåsen | Eastwards >

ruda-sorby250.jpg (9185 bytes)Ruda Bridge, located on the Göta Canal, joins the medieval manor of Ruda with the main road from Linköping to Motala. The manor is located south of Lake Norrbysjön and has a spectacular outlook from its highest point.

Thunberg's proposal for the stretch of canal by Lake Norrbysjön, 1784.

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Other maps of the area:
telf_III13_1808_ruda.jpg (46041 bytes) A specific detail from the canal map from 1808, which shows the elevated location of Ruda Manor the existing buildings and the surrounding cultural landscape. The main building was built in 1793.
turist_birgittasudde-skarpasen.jpg (200218 bytes) General map of the stretch of canal between Cape Birgitta and Skarpåsen.

(AB Göta kanal Tourist Map: Eastern Section, 1995).

Blue line = Gothenburg - Stockholm route of the Göta Canal used by the firm of shipowners Rederi AB Göta kanal.

Red line = bicycle path.