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Sjöbacka Bridge
< Westwards | Cape Birgitta | Borensberg (Husbyfjöl) | Näs Bridge
Kungs Norrby Bridge | Sörby Bridge | Ruda BridgeSjöbacka Bridge
Ljung BridgesSkarpåsen | Eastwards >

vala023162_sjobacka_250.jpg (9742 bytes)Map of the outlet of Lake Norrbysjön and the rapids in the river Motala Ström, near Sjöbacka and Raby, 1774. Here it was thought that the Göta Canal would connect with Lake Norrbysjön and then lead the canal traffic around the rapids (then undeveloped) down to Kungsbro, by Lake Roxen.

On this canal map from 1774, one can see the richness of details of the stretch of canal and the typical small-scale fishing and mill foundations of that time, located in the rapids of Motala Ström. At present these are situated underwater at the generating-station dam at Malfors. (VaLa).

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Other maps of the area:
thbg_I17_brunnby-sjobacka.jpg (90638 bytes) General map, from 1784, that shows the existing network of roads and the planned stretches of canal. The main road from Linköping to Motala crosses the planned stretch of canal near Sjöbacka. The Sjöbacka Bridge was built at this crossing. As one can see on the map, there is evidence of the success of the new canal-digging technology. Instead of using Lake Norrbysjön, the canal watercourse according to the new canal proposal is drawn along the contour line a bit up from the lake shore.
telf_III14_1808_sjobacka.jpg (79594 bytes) Detail of the canal proposal from 1808, which shows the road from the village Sjöbacka By and the crossing over the Göta Canal. The village of Säby is also marked on the map. At that time, the villages were not partitioned.

In Säby, there was an officer's residence owned by the Crown. In connection with the origin of the Göta Canal, the villages were partitioned and was moved. The Crown-owned land in Säby was needed to recompense for private forfeiture of land.

turist_birgittasudde-skarpasen.jpg (200218 bytes) General map of the stretch of canal between Cape Birgitta and Skarpåsen.
(AB Göta kanal Tourist Map: Eastern Section, 1995).
Blue line = Gothenburg - Stockholm route of the Göta Canal used by the firm of shipowners Rederi AB Göta kanal.
Red line = bicycle path.