
MiniaTurk: Culture; History; and Memory in Turkey in Post-1980s

V. Safak Uysal
Faculty of Art Design and Architecture, Bilkent University, Turkey

Secil Yilmaz
Ataturk Institute for Modern Turkish History, Bogazici University, Turkey

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Ingår i: NaMu; Making National Museums Program; Setting the Frames; 26-28 February; Norrköping; Sweden

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 159:10, s. 15–126

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Publicerad: 2007-09-19


ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)


The main purpose of this study is to be able to delineate the phenomenal changes that museum as an institution has undertaken in Turkey in the years following 1980s. In tracing these transformations; the emphasis is given to narrations of culture; memory and history. Grounded on concepts as such; the study contends with museums that invest exclusively in the organization and visualization of the information of the past and its practices – which leaves art museums; military museums and/or industrial museums outside the scope.

Our intention is to provide at first a brief outline; establishing the emergence and fundamentals of museum practices in the 19th century; so as to capture the museum at its nascent site as an institution of modernity. While tracing the initial function of the museum as encyclopedia of nation-building (Özyürek 2001); our focus will be on portraying the experience of the late Ottoman and early Republican periods in particular. Later on; our focus will gradually move in time with the aim of grasping how customs of “framing the nation” are transformed in the course of changing political; social and economical agendas. Grounding the framework on the crisis of space-time conceptions of modernity and the upsurge of memory practices; we will try to analyze the last twenty years of museum practices in Turkey in the light of: (1) the withdrawal of rigid cultural politics of the State on exhibition rights; (2) the changes in the narrator function; and (3) the privatization of museal projects. In tackling with the spatio-temporal reorganization of modern modes of production; we will inevitably delve into the effects of debates around globalization and multiculturalism – particularly on conservation and heritage politics. Finally; departing from the example of Miniaturk – a theme park; curating a selection of miniaturized historical and architectural pieces as a “Showcase of Turkey” – we will try to identify the neo-conservative tendencies of post-1980s’ museum practices in Turkey so as to trace the structural transformations in the space and body of the museum; along with transformations in representation strategies and power relations at work.


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