Publicerad: 2008-11-27
ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)
This paper presents an implementation of a stable height-field fluid solver on non-uniform quadtree grids. Smoothing kernel interpolation allow one to use semi-Lagrangian advection on the nonuniform grid. A modification to the advection make it mass conserving. The non-uniform grid allow the model to run on a very tight cell budget with high frame rates even for arbitrary sized environments. Gravity acceleration is implemented as a modified explicit Euler step with upwind differencing. The differencing is based on a definition of a node neighbour which doesnt require the neighbor to be a quadtree leaf. This solves the problems of hanging nodes inherent with quadtrees. This model is suitable for water propagating over height field terrains in interactive environments like video games.
Fluid dynamics; semi-Lagrangian advection; upwind differencing; adaptive grid; quadtree
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