
Adaptive resolution in physics based virtual environments

M. Servin
Umeå University, Sweden

C. Lacoursière
Umeå University, Sweden

F. Nordfelth
Algoryx Simulation, Sweden

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Ingår i: SIGRAD 2008. The Annual SIGRAD Conference Special Theme: Interaction; November 27-28; 2008 Stockholm; Sweden

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 34:12, s. 47-52

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Publicerad: 2008-11-27


ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)


7We propose a systematic approach to adaptive resolution in physics based virtual environments (VEs) that combines the conventional requirements of realtime performance; visual appearance with important requirements on the physical simulation; such as accuracy and numerical robustness. In particular; we argue that adaptive resolution is a key element to achieve robustness in fixed time-step VEs. The idea is to adaptively substitute unstable subsystems with more simplified and robust models. The method is demonstrated on systems including stiff wires. The algorithm brings stability; realtime performance and preservation of the important physical invariants to the system. The application to general systems is discussed.


Adaptive resolution; virtual environment; physics based animation; fixed time-step; numerical stability


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