Patrick Müller
Chair of Industrial Information Technology, TU Berlin, Germany
Felix Schulz
Chair of Industrial Information Technology, TU Berlin, Germany
Rainer Stark
Chair of Industrial Information Technology, TU Berlin, Germany
Ladda ner artikelIngår i: Proceedings of the 2nd CIRP IPS2 Conference 2010; 14-15 April; Linköping; Sweden
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 77:14, s. 109-116
Publicerad: 2012-10-11
ISBN: 978-91-7393-381-0
ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)
Industrial solutions integrating products and services are common practice in many business-to-business applications and branches. An explicit integrated planning; development; delivery and use of products and services; which is important for so-called industrial product-service systems (IPS2); is hardly implemented. Thus; a need and potential for enhancement of IPS2 design is driving our research. In our contribution we will present a new guideline to elicit and analyze requirements on IPS2 properties and quality. The uideline is based on a comprehensive review of product development; service engineering and IT literature. It contains a new checklist of clustered criteria to retrieve and describe IPS2 requirements systematically and it supports different design views. The guideline is compatible with known approaches as for instance guidelines presented by Pahl et al.; van Husen; Steinbach or CobiT/ITIL. Within the paper we discuss reviewed references and present the guideline and the entire checklist.
IPS<sup>2</sup> design; IPS<sup>2</sup> requirements and quality; guideline; checklist
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