Berglind Smaradottir
Sørlandet hospital, Kristiansand, Norway
Ståle Sjaavaag
Risør municipality, Risør, Norway
Inger-Alice Naley Ås
Sørlandet hospital, Kristiansand, Norway
Bjørn Bakke
Sørlandet hospital, Kristiansand, Norway
Linda Alfsen
Risør municipality, Risør, Norway
Wenche Tangene
Sørlandet hospital, Kristiansand, Norway
Rune Fensli
University of Agder, Grimstad, Norway
Ladda ner artikelIngår i: SHI 2019. Proceedings of the 17th Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics, November 12-13, 2019, Oslo, Norway
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 161:15, s. 87-92
Publicerad: 2019-11-07
ISBN: 978-91-7929-957-6
ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)
Telemedicine has a broad scope in Norway supported by the national authorities. As a part of the research project 3P- Patients and Professionals in Partnership, a telemedicine service was established in the municipality of Risør, Norway for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The aim of this paper is to summarise and share the experiences from Risør. A qualitative research approach was used. The telemedicine service was an integrated part of the health services, having a close collaboration with general practitioners. Despite a detailed planning of the operation, administrative and economic challenges made the service closed after two years and replaced by services from an inter-municipal telemedicine centre.
Telemedicine, remote monitoring, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, collaboration, team work.
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