
Possibilities and Problems in Using Exergy Expressions in Process Integration

Anders Åsblad
CIT Industriell Energi, Gothenburg, Sweden

Carl-Erik Grip
LTU (Luleå University of Technology) Division Energy Technology, Luleå, Sweden

Erik Elfgren
LTU (Luleå University of Technology) Division Energy Technology, Luleå, Sweden

Mats Söderström
LIU (Linköping University), Division Energy Systems, Linköping, Sweden

Patrik Thollander
LIU (Linköping University), Division Energy Systems, Linköping, Sweden

Thore Bernsson
Chalmers University of Technology, Division Heat and Power Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden

Chuan Wang
Swerea MEFOS, Luleå Sweden

Ladda ner artikelhttp://dx.doi.org/10.3384/ecp110571605

Ingår i: World Renewable Energy Congress - Sweden; 8-13 May; 2011; Linköping; Sweden

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 57:17, s. 1605-1612

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Publicerad: 2011-11-03

ISBN: 978-91-7393-070-3

ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)


Industrial energy systems are complicated networks; where changes in one process influence its neighboring processes. Saving energy in one unit does not necessarily lead to energy savings for the total system. A study has been carried out on the possibility to use the exergy concept in the analysis of industrial energy systems. The exergy concept defines the quality of an amount of energy in relation to its surrounding; expressing the part that could be converted into work. The study consists of literature studies and general evaluations; an extensive case study and an interview study. In the latter it was found that non technical factors are major obstacles to the introduction of exergy.


Energy efficiency; Exergy; Process integration; User acceptance; Industrial energy system


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