
Sustaining Everyday Life through Psychological Presence; Time and Space

Liisa Horelli
Centre for Urban and Regional Studies, Aalto University, Finland

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Ingår i: Proceedings of the Sustaining Everyday Life Conference

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 38:2, s. 9-26

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Publicerad: 2010-11-05


ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)


Besides the social; ecological; economic and political aspects of sustainability; I wish to bring forth the concept of psychological sustainability. It refers here to the external and intra-psychic conditions that enhance mental and physical well-being with benevolent consequences for everyday life and the environment. One of its criteria is the ability to experience ‘psychological presence’. I argue that sustaining everyday life can be enhanced through the practice of psychological presence in interaction with certain spatial and temporal conditions that deal with the co-creation of a supportive infrastructure of everyday life through the application of time planning and time politics. The aim of the chapter is to present the framework consisting of the main concepts around space; time and psychological presence; to describe how the concepts have been applied in a five-year long case study in a neighbourhood of Helsinki; and to discuss the results. On the basis of the literature and the case study it was possible to build a preliminary model of psychological presence as an experience; a mode of mind and an interactive process. The results illustrate that psychological presence can be considered one of the indicators and even a means to support everyday life in a psycho-socially sustainable way. Time planning might be regarded as a necessary; but not a sufficient condition for the practice of psychological presence.


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