
The CMUnited-99 Simulator Team

Peter Stone
Carnegie Mellon University, USA

Manuela Veloso
Carnegie Mellon University, USA

Patrick Riley
Carnegie Mellon University, USA

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Ingår i: RobocCup-99 Team Descriptions. Simulation League

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 4:2, s. 7-11

Linköping Electronic Articles in Computer and Information Science vol. 4 4:2, p. 7-11

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Publicerad: 1999-12-15


ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)


The CMUnited-98 simulator team became the 1998 RoboCup simulator league champion by winning all 8 of its games; outscoring opponents by a total of 66--0. CMUnited-99 builds upon the successful CMUnited-98 implementation; but also improves upon it in many ways. This paper gives an overview of the CMUnited-98 software and outlines our planned changes for CMUnited-99.


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[1] Hiroaki Kitano; Yasuo Kuniyoshi; Itsuki Noda; Minoru Asada; Hitoshi Matsubara; and Eiichi Osawa. RoboCup: A challenge problem for AI. AI Magazine; 18(1):73-85; Spring 1997.

[2] Patrick Riley. Classifying adversarial behaviors in a dynamic; inaccesible; multi-agent environment. undergraduate senior thesis at Carnegie Mellon University (Accessible from http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/~priley/papers/thesis.ps.gz); 1999.

[3] Peter Stone and Manuela Veloso. Task decomposition and dynamic role assignment for real-time strategic teamwork. In J. P. M¨uller; M. P. Singh; and A. S. Rao; editors; Intelligent Agents V | Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Agent Theories; Architectures; and Languages (ATAL-98); volume 1555 of Lecture Notes in Arti cial Intelligence; pages 293-308. Springer-Verlag; Heidelberg; 1999.

[4] Peter Stone; Manuela Veloso; and Patrick Riley. The CMUnited-98 champion simulator team. In Minoru Asada and Hiroaki Kitano; editors; RoboCup-98: Robot Soccer World Cup II. Springer Verlag; Berlin; 1999.

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