Clément Coïc
Modelon Deutschland GmbH, Germany
Moritz Hübel
Modelon Deutschland GmbH, Germany
Matthis Thorade
Modelon Deutschland GmbH, Germany
Ladda ner artikelår i: Proceedings of the American Modelica Conference 2020, Boulder, Colorado, USA, March 23-25, 2020
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 169:21, s. 196-204
Publicerad: 2020-11-03
ISBN: 978-91-7929-900-2
ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)
This paper communicates on the implementation of
Physics-based Solving in the Modelon Jet Propulsion
library, driven by requirements from industrial jet
engine design workflows. On- and off-design simulation
modes are typically sequential and iterative steps in a
model-based design process of jet engines. The solution
Modelon provides – based on the Jet Propulsion Library,
Optimica Compiler Toolkit, FMI Toolbox and pyFMI –
enables performing a robust design of a gas turbine for
a design point satisfying relevant constraints of typical
off-design scenarios. This paper illustrates this
workflow with component and system level examples.
Jet Propulsion, Physics-based Solving,
Steady-State, On-Design, Off-Design, Optimization
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