Publicerad: 2008-11-27
ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)
Algoryx is a startup company standing on two legs: delivering state-of-the-art physics simulation for the simulator industry and developing environments for interactive physics used in teaching and for plain fun. Algoryx is working close to the research environment at Umeå University; which makes it a perfect environment for developing and implementing novel and groundbreaking methods.
Developing accurate simulators used in training and education places high demand on the fidelity and accuracy of the underlying tools.
A physics engine is commonly used for driving the whole simulator which makes it even more important to get consistent fast and stable results.
This talk will give an overview of AgX; a multiphysics engine used in commercial simulators and research and of Phun; a 2D physics sandbox which is free for download and is used all over the world in education and for plain amusement.
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