
Towards a protocol for the curation and dissemination of vulnerable people archives

Silvia Calamai
University of Siena, Italy

Chiara Kolletzek
Lawyer and Record Manager, Bologna, Italy

Aleksei Kelli
University of Tartu, Estonia

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Ingår i: Selected papers from the CLARIN Annual Conference 2018, Pisa, 8-10 October 2018

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 159:3, s. 28-38

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Publicerad: 2019-05-28

ISBN: 978-91-7685-034-3

ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)


This paper aims at introducing possible guidelines in defining a protocol for the curation and dissemination of speech archives, which appear to have – de jure – the highest restrictions on their curation and dissemination. This case study has been undertaken because of the discovery of the Anna Maria Bruzzone archive, containing the voices of people with mental disabilitie recorded in 1977 in an Italian psychiatric hospital.


Speech archives, Vulnerable people, Personal data, Privacy, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)


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