
The Roma Minority in the Czech Republic: Scapegoats of Modern History?

Ekaterina Batueva
Regional Studies Department, University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic; Non-governmental organization Youth Included, Prague, Czech Republic

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Ingår i: Proceedings from The 49th Societas Ethica Annual Conference 2012; Theme: Ethics and Migration; August 23-26; 2012; Lucian Blaga University Sibiu; Romania

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 97:3, s. 23-32

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Publicerad: 2014-04-24

ISBN: 978-91-7519-297-0

ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)


In this paper I am focusing on the situation of Roma minority in the Czech Republic concerned with the high levels of social exclusion in many aspects of their lives. Among the main aims of the paper is to show that the current situation of Roma in the Czech Republic is not the question of mentality like the majority prefers to think; but the social pre-conditions; historical “heritage” and the changing economic situation in the country. Personally I am involved in the projects on communities’ inclusion on local and international levels both in the non-governmental and academic spheres; the Roma integration programs have been part of my professional activities. Such interdisciplinary approach can contribute from my point of view to more objective outcomes and more humane papers.


Social exclusion; scapegoat; anti-gypsyism; Roma people; Czech Republic


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