
Boundaries and Bridges in Trans-European Cultural Research

Kirsten Drotner
Institute of Literature, Culture & Media, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark

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Ingår i: Inter: A European Cultural Studies : Conference in Sweden 11-13 June 2007

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 170:3, s. 23-27

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Publicerad: 2007-11-27


ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)


Taking its point of departure in a comparative; international study on the socalled cartoon controversy and the discrepancies found between the domestic; Danish and international discourses; the article argues that comparative and interdisciplinary perspectives offer new venues for innovative cultural research. This argument is contextualised by a mapping of some of the tensions facing European cultural research in terms of substance; organisation and funding.


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Ambassadors (2005) Letter to the prime minister. See: http://www.filtrat.dk/grafik/Letterfromambassadors.pdf. (Accessed 050607). COST (n.d.) See: http://www.cost.esf.org/ Accessed 050607.

Gillis. John (2004) Islands of the Mind: How the Human Imagination Created the Atlantic World New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

HERA (n.d.) See: http://www.heranet.info/Default.aspx?ID=102. Accessed 050607.

Kunelius; Risto et al. (eds) (2007) Reading the Mohammed Cartoons Controversy: An International Analysis of Press Discourses on Free Speech and Political Spin Bochum: Projekt Verlag.

NorFace (n.d.) See: http://www.norface.org/norface/publisher/index.jsp. Accessed 050607.

Wickipedia entry (n.d.) Jyllands Posten Mohammad cartoons controversy. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cartoon_crisis#Islamic_views. Accessed 050607.

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