Publicerad: 2012-06-18
ISBN: 978-91-7519-849-1
ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)
This paper focuses on student’s creative capacity; in terms of natural creative tendencies; in the three levels of education; primary (first); second; and third level. Creative capacity was investigated through a comparative analysis of creativity quotient (CQ).
Two hundred and four pupils participated in this research study; in the location of their everyday classroom / laboratory environment. Participants were assessed in terms of creative quotient (CQ) derived from fluency and flexibility values. From analysis of the mean data; third level students proved the most creative in the context of creative quotient. However; further comparative analysis occurred in terms of the statistical difference (p-value) for fluency; flexibility and CQ in the context of the three educational institutions. Overall; there is a small difference (very small effect size <0.1) between primary and second level; and primary and third level; in the context of fluency; flexibility; and CQ. In terms of second and third level; in the context of fluency; flexibility and CQ; there was no difference. It is necessary that creativity is promoted throughout our education systems to ensure pupils maintain and develop their creative capacities into adulthood. A young child may have the capacity to be creative; but as they get older; if they do not have the need to be creative; their capacity may fade. Later in life they may struggle to reconnect to the creativity they had during their youth. Education systems need to foster independent thinking; creativity and innovation. This paper portrays student’s creative capacity in technology education spanning from early years through to upper secondary education and teacher education in the context of fluency; flexibility and creativity quotient.
Creativity; creativity quotient; thinking; education systems; technology education
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