
Contributions of different modalities to the attribution of affective-epistemic states

Jens Allwood
SCCIIL Center, University of Gothenburg

Stefano Lanzini
SCCIIL Center, University of Gothenburg

Elisabeth Ahlsén
SCCIIL Center, University of Gothenburg

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Ingår i: Proceedings from the 1st European Symposium on Multimodal Communication University of Malta; Valletta; October 17-18; 2013

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 116:1, s. 1-6

NEALT Proceedings Series 21:1, p. 1-6

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Publicerad: 2014-06-23

ISBN: 978-91-7519-266-6

ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)


The focus of this study is the relation between multimodal and unimodal perception of emotions and attitudes. A point of departure for the study is the claim that multimodal presentation increases redundancy and often thereby also the correctness of interpretation. A study was carried out in order to investigate this claim by examining the relative role of unimodal versus multimodal visual and auditory perception for interpreting affective-epistemic states (AES). The abbreviation AES will be used both for the singular form “affective-epistemic state” and the plural form “affective-epistemic states”. Clips from video-recorded dyadic in-teractions were presented to 12 subjects using three types of presentation; Audio only; Video only and Audio+Video. The task was to inter-pret the affective-epistemic states of one of the two persons in the clip. The results indicated differences concerning the role of different sensory modalities for different affective-epistemic states. In some cases there was a “filtering” effect; rendering fewer interpretations in a multimodal presentation than in a unimodal one for a specific AES. This oc-curred for happiness; disinterest and understanding; whereas “mutual reinforcement”; rendering more interpretations for multimodal presentation than for unimodal video or audio presentation; occurred for nervousness; interest and thoughtfulness. Finally; for one AES; confidence; audio and video seem to have mutually restrictive roles.


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