
Concept of Satisfaction

Masaaki Kurosu
The Open University of Japan, Japan

Ayako Hashizume
Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan

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Ingår i: KEER2014. Proceedings of the 5th Kanesi Engineering and Emotion Research; International Conference; Linköping; Sweden; June 11-13

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 100:92, s. 11053-1112

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Publicerad: 2014-06-11

ISBN: 978-91-7519-276-5

ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)


This article examines the concept of satisfaction from various viewpoints including linguistics; psychology; and philosophy as well as Kansei engineering and will pursue how the design of artifacts that will bring the satisfaction can be realized and how the evaluation of satisfaction can be achieved. Of course; there have been some satisfactory measurement scales such as SUS; SUMI and WAMMI. But they simply measure the degree of resulting satisfaction and does not consider the relationships between the satisfaction and other quality characteristics. What is needed is the measurement of satisfaction based on the consideration on the conceptual network including relevant quality characteristics.


Satisfaction; UX; usability


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