
Bubbles: Navigating Multimedia Content in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks

Erik Bach
Telenor Research and Development, Norway

Sigrid S. Bygdås
Telenor Research and Development, Norway

Mathilde Flydal-Blichfeldt
Telenor Research and Development, Norway

André Mlonyeni
Telenor Research and Development, Norway

Øystein Myhre
Telenor Research and Development, Norway

Silja I. Nyhus
Telenor Research and Development, Norway

Tore Urnes
Telenor Research and Development, Norway

Åsmund Weltzien
Telenor Research and Development, Norway

Anne Zanussi
Telenor Research and Development, Norway

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Ingår i: MUM 2003. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 11:13, s. 73-80

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Publicerad: 2003-12-10


ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)


We aim to support spontaneous and opportunistic human behavior by taking advantage of an emerging environment for mobile ubiquitous multimedia applications enabled by the fusion of adhoc networks; peer-to-peer computing; and media-rich mobile devices. Guided by an ethnographic study of spontaneous and opportunistic human behavior; a new concept; called the Bubble concept; is proposed that helps users navigate multimedia content made available in mobile ad-hoc networks. The concept is intended to guide the design of user interfaces that provide users with impulses that may trigger spontaneity and opportunism. We used the Bubble concept to design and implement a portable audio player application that provides music impulses to users. The application runs on WLAN-equipped iPAQs.


Spontaneous behavior; ad-hoc networks; multimedia content; user interface


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