
The Curation Module and Statistical Analysis on VLO Metadata Quality

Davor Ostojic
ACDH-OEAW, Vienna, Austria

Go Sugimoto
ACDH-OEAW, Vienna, Austria

Matej Ďurčo
ACDH-OEAW, Vienna, Austria

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Ingår i: Selected papers from the CLARIN Annual Conference 2016, Aix-en-Provence, 26–28 October 2016, CLARIN Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 136:7, s. 90-101

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Publicerad: 2017-05-23

ISBN: 978-91-7685-499-0

ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)


The Curation Module is developed to facilitate the metadata ingestion and curation process of the Virtual Language Observatory (VLO) by providing a systematic method to measure metadata quality and a user-friendly interface to inspect profiles, records, and collections of the Component MetaData Infrastructure (CMDI) used for the VLO. A large amount of useful statistics generate a comprehensive data matrix including information about the quality score, publication status, facet coverage, and metadata header, as well as the number of records and concepts. The module helps various stakeholders to automatically and systematically identify the metadata problems. Whilst metadata modellers can evaluate the quality of shared profiles, data creators assess the validity of newly created records. Data providers can use it for the improvement of their metadata for better discoverability and accessibility of valuable linguistic contents, whereas working groups could examine the actual use of profiles and records to define the next version of CMDI and VLO. Thus, the Curation Module supports all stages of metadata management and fosters the analysis and improvement of metadata quality to enhance the CLARIN services. In this article, we present a selection of statistical information on the metadata quality made possible by the Curation Module.


Metadata curation, Quality control, Metadata analysis and assessment, Curation module, VLO (Virtual Language Observatory), CMDI (Component Metadata Infrastructure)


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