
RRGbank: a Role and Reference Grammar Corpus of Syntactic Structures Extracted from the Penn Treebank

Tatiana Bladier
University of Düsseldorf, Germany

Andreas van Cranenburgh
University of Groningen, The Netherlands

Kilian Evang
University of Düsseldorf, Germany

Laura Kallmeyer
University of Düsseldorf, Germany

Robin Möllemann
University of Düsseldorf, Germany

Rainer Osswald
University of Düsseldorf, Germany

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Ingår i: Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT 2018), December 13–14, 2018, Oslo University, Norway

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 23:3, s. 5-16

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Publicerad: 2018-12-10

ISBN: 978-91-7685-137-1

ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)


This paper presents RRGbank, a corpus of syntactic trees from the Penn Treebank automatically converted to syntactic structures following Role and Reference Grammar (RRG). RRGbank is the first large linguistic resource in the RRG community and can be used in data-driven and data-oriented downstream linguistic applications. We show challenges encountered while con- verting PTB trees to RRG structures, introduce our annotation tool, and evaluate the automatic conversion process.


Role and Reference Grammar, RRG, treebank conversion, Penn Treebank


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