
Opportunities and challenges when 3D accelerating mobile user interfaces

Mikael Persson
TAT AB, Sweden

Karl-Anders Johansson
TAT AB, Sweden

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Ingår i: SIGRAD 2005 The Annual SIGRAD Conference Special Theme - Mobile Graphics

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 16:11, s. 57-62

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Publicerad: 2005-11-23


ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)


This paper addresses new techniques and challenges for user interface design for small-screen devices made possible by the recent availability of 3D graphics hardware. A survey of current research on the topic for desktop systems is presented and applications of these techniques for small screen devices are proposed. Also general differences in user interface design between large and small screen devices are highlighted.


Graphics hardware; user interfaces; mobile devices


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