Dag Fritzson
SKF Engineering Research Centre, Modelling & Simulation, Göteborg, Sweden
Jonas Ståhl
SKF Engineering Research Centre, Modelling & Simulation, Göteborg, Sweden
Iakov Nakhimovski
SKF Engineering Research Centre, Modelling & Simulation, Göteborg, Sweden
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Ingår i: The 48th Scandinavian Conference on Simulation and Modeling (SIMS 2007); 30-31 October; 2007; Göteborg (Särö)
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 27:4, s. 24-39
Publicerad: 2007-12-21
ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)
Connectivity; i.e.; connecting different types of simulation tools; becomes increasingly important. The objective is to be able to do cost effective simulations of a large system by utilizing existing tools together. The TLM (Transmission Line Modelling) co-simulation technique is stable; does not have numerical problems; and is proven. It has potential for being a cosimulation technique of general usage. The aim of the paper is an evaluation of TLM technique for rolling bearing applications via a study of a grinding spindle model. The conclusion is that the results of TLM and non-TLM simulations are similar for a realistic application with rolling bearings and applicable for engineering purposes. The numerical stability and performance are satisfactory for the considered application.
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