Klas Modin
SKF Engineering Research Centre MDC, RKs–2, Sweden
Dag Fritzson
SKF Engineering Research Centre MDC, RKs–2, Sweden
Claus Führer
Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Lund University, Sweden
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Ingår i: The 48th Scandinavian Conference on Simulation and Modeling (SIMS 2007); 30-31 October; 2007; Göteborg (Särö)
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 27:6, s. 49-65
Publicerad: 2007-12-21
ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)
Numerical integration is considered for second order differential equations on the form where Ais significantly more expensive to evaluate than B; and B is stiff (highly oscillatory) in comparison with A. Examples of such problem are multibody problem with contact forces acting between bodies; and constraints formulated as penalty forces. Based on the splitting A+B of the acceleration field; a numerical integration algorithm; which is explicit in the A–part and implicit in the B–part; is suggested. Consistency and linear stability analysis of the proposed method is carried out. Numerical examples with the proposed method is carried out for two simple test problems; and for a complex multibody model of a rotating ball bearing. Comparison with conventional implicit methods is given for each example. The results indicate that the proposed method is more efficient; in terms of number of evaluations of A; at the same accuracy level.
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