Dietmar Winkler
Technische Universität Berlin, Department of Electronic Measurement and Diagnostic Technology, Germany
Clemens Gühmann
Technische Universität Berlin, Department of Electronic Measurement and Diagnostic Technology, Germany
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Ingår i: The 48th Scandinavian Conference on Simulation and Modeling (SIMS 2007); 30-31 October; 2007; Göteborg (Särö)
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 27:9, s. 82-87
Publicerad: 2007-12-21
ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)
This paper presents the modelling of electric faults in induction machines using Modelica R as modelling language. The primal application for such fault simulations is the ever increasing application of electric machines in cars. In this paper you will find a short introduction of how to model an electrical machine and their most common failures. The modelling is done in the phases reference frame rather than in a field-oriented reference frame. The reason for this is given in this paper. The simulation models work and simulation results are given. The verification of the simulation results with a motor test-bench is still an outstanding task at which we are currently working on.
Modelica; electrical machines; modelling; fault simulation; field-oriented control
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[8] D. Winkler; E. Bakhach; F. Döring; and S. Rinderer; “freeFOClib - A free Field- Oriented Control library for Modelica.” unreleased; see for any news. Due in; Spring 2008.