Tina-Simone S. Neset
Centre for Climate Science and Policy Research, Norrköping, Sweden
Jimmy Johansson
Centre for Climate Science and Policy Research, Norrköping, Sweden
Björn-Ola Linnér
Centre for Climate Science and Policy Research, Norrköping, Sweden
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Ingår i: State of Climate Visualization
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 45:1, s. 5-7
Publicerad: 2009-12-09
ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)
In a time of global change and global resource constraints the academic community is constantly seeking new ways of communicating current research to inform the public and create a basis for decision making on an individual to global scale. For climate researchers; this challenge is pertinent; given the vast amount of information regarding issues; such as emissions; scenarios; trends; risks and options for mitigation and adaptation that flows through media every day. To create a solid representation of research data and scenarios as well as what impacts of climate change could imply in different regions; climate researchers have over the past years started to collaborate with designers and researchers within the field of visualization. Applications assisting data analysis as well as geospatial and abstract visual representations bear great potential for future research and science communication. We are referring to this transdisciplinary field of research and science communication as climate visualization.
IPCC (2007). Climate Change 2007: Mitigation of Climate Change. Contribution of Working Group III to the Fourth Assessment. Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Kosara et al (2003). An Interaction View on Information Visualization. Proceedings of EUROGRAPHICS 2003.
Linnér; B-O (2006); Authority Through Synergism: the Roles of Climate Change Linkages. European Environment; 16(5); pp. 278–289.
Nocke; T.; Sterzel; T.; Böttinger; M.; Wrobel; M. (2008). Visualisation of Climate and Climate Change Data: An Overview; in Ehlers et al. (Eds.) Digital Earth Summit on Geoinformatics 2008: Tools for Global Change Research (ISDE’08); Wichmann; Heidelberg ; pp. 226–232.
WCC (2009). High-level Declaration; World Climate Conference 3. Geneva; Switzerland; 2009.