Michael Karlsson
Combitech AB, Gothenburg, Sweden
Anders Norrman
Combitech AB, Gothenburg, Sweden
Ladda ner artikelIngår i: Visual Forum 2010: Unleash the Power of Viaualization; May 3; Norrköping; 2010
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 50:4, s.
Publicerad: 2010-06-12
ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)
When Saab chose methods for designing the airframe of the Next Generation Gripen fighter it was natural to choose a "full 3D" approach and to end the use of traditional 2D drawings. This was a decision based on many years of experience from the power of 3D visualization and the savings in man-hours; lead-time and quality that common understanding of the product will deliver. The vision now is to re-use 3D visualization throughout the product lifecycle. The same data that is created by the design engineer will be used for manufacturing instructions; maintenance descriptions; in the spare part catalogue and in any other area where visualization of the product is needed.
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