
Godkänd i det nationella provet i svenska?

Eva Östlund-Stjärnegårdh

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Ingår i: Svenskans beskrivning 24. Förhandlingar vid Tjugofjärde sammankomsten för svenskans beskrivning

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 6:27, s. 319-328

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Publicerad: 2001-01-25


ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)


In this paper a survey of assessment of texts from the national test in Swedish for upper secondary school is presented. The focus of the study is on the grades Pass and Fail (Sw. Godkänd and Icke godkänd). I have organized the survey in three parts. The first part is a questionnaire to teachers on the assessment of school texts; where the results show that teachers generally agree on the most important criteria for deciding whether a student’s text will pass or fail.

Some twenty teachers were engaged in the second part of my survey; assessing texts from the archives of the test construction group. Out of the 60 texts; 50 were sent in by the students own teachers as Pass results and 10 as Fail results. When independent assessors grade them there is a great difference in the number of texts that fail: as many as 35 texts get an average Fail with three independent assessors. Reasons for this difference are discussed; it is easier to fail a student one does not know. In the texts written by his or her own students a teacher tends to look for the positive elements.

How the grades vary is also discussed. The most important result in this aspect is the general agreement on what texts are not good enough to pass the test. Variation in assessment is found for those texts that get an average Pass.

The third part of my survey will deal with the texts; analysing them with quantitative and qualitative methods.


Inga nyckelord är tillgängliga


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