Publicerad: 2013-10-16
ISBN: 978-91-7519-482-0
ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)
In order to build a strong foundation for design for service there is a need to develop good courses; modules; and perhaps programs in service design. Regardless of the scope of such teaching; somewhere the students start learning about service design and start learning to do design for service. The first case experience sets the scene for how students view service design; and the opportunities they see in applying design to services. For a long time we used a simple example; to introduce design for service; the tire-changing service. When we turned this example into the first case for the students to work with themselves; it did not work very well. Based on this experience and research in service design; we defined a set of criteria that would help us judge whether a case would be a good first case or not.
In this paper we present the criteria used; a short review of three possible cases; and the case we have chose to use as the first case experience. We also analyze shortcomings of the case; and possible future developments.
Teaching; service design; case; learning; flower shop; flower delivery; tire-changing; judgment criteria
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