Lia Patrício
University of Porto, School of Engineering, Portugal
Raymond P. Fisk
Texas State University, McCoy College of Business Administration, San Marcos, USA
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Ingår i: ServDes.2012 Conference Proceedings Co-Creating Services; The 3rd Service Design and Service Innovation Conference; 8-10 February; Espoo; Finland
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 67:20, s. 189-198
Publicerad: 2013-10-16
ISBN: 978-91-7519-482-0
ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)
Service design is an interdisciplinary field with significant potential to improve service innovation; but it is still not a well-established practice in most organizations and the management implications of service design are still not well understood. Better integration of design and management perspectives is needed for a wider diffusion of service design. This paper explores how Multilevel Service Design (MSD); an interdisciplinary service design approach; can better connect management concepts and tools with design concepts and tools. A case study of redesigning a bank’s mortgage service is presented; using MSD Customer Value Constellation and the Service System Architecture models. The case study illustrates how this approach can help service designers and managers navigate between service concept and service system design levels; and better understand the interconnections between the design of the service at the frontstage and the design of support processes and technologies.
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