
Distributing Terminology Resources Online

Gruffudd Prys
Language Technology Unit, Bangor University, Bangor, Wales, UK

Tegau Andrews
Language Technology Unit, Bangor University, Bangor, Wales, UK

Dewi B. Jones
Language Technology Unit, Bangor University, Bangor, Wales, UK

Delyth Prys
Language Technology Unit, Bangor University, Bangor, Wales, UK

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Ingår i: Proceedings of CHAT 2012: The 2nd Workshop on the Creation; Harmonization and Application of Terminology Resources; Co-located with TKE 2012; June 22; 2012; Madrid; Spain

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 72:5, s. 37-40

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Publicerad: 2012-06-11


ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)


This paper describes a system which enables the targeted distribution of terms from a single centralized terminology development environment to multiple online outlets. These dissemination outlets include distinct subject-specific websites; a master terminology portal; and aids such as a rollover terminology lookup function that can be added to existing websites.


Terminology; distribution; dissemination; online; Welsh; dictionary


1. Welsh Government: A Living Language: A Language For Living; Welsh Language Strategy 2012-17 (2012); p. 49; http://wales.gov.uk/docs/dcells/publications/122902wls201217en.pdf .

2. The Welsh-Medium Higher Education Terminology Project; http://www.porth.ac.uk/termau. Y Termiadur Addysg; http://www.termiaduraddysg.org.

3. Prys; D.; Jones; D. B.: Guidelines for the Standardization of Terminology for the Welsh Assembly Government Translation Service and the Welsh Lan-guage Board (2007); http://www.byig-wlb.org.uk/English/publications/Publications/5338.pdf.

4. Andrews; T.; Prys; G.: The Maes T System and its use in the Welsh-Medium Higher Education Sector in Wales. In: Gornostay; T.; Vasiljevs; A. (eds); CHAT 2011: Creation; Harmonization and Application of Terminology Re-sources; NEALT Proceedings Series; Vol. 12; pp. 49-50. Riga: Northern Eu-ropean Association for Language Technology (2011); http://dspace.utlib.ee/dspace/bitstream/handle/10062/17370/proceedings.pdf?sequence=1.

5. Great Britain: Welsh Language Act 1993; Chapter 38. London: Her Majes-ty’s Stationery Office (1993); http://www.opsi.gov.uk/ACTS/acts1993/ukpga_19930038_en_1.

6. Cymdeithas Edward Llwyd; Llên Natur Project; http://llennatur.com. Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol (National Welsh College); http://www.porth.ac.uk. National Terminology Portal; http://termau.org.

7. Google; Google Web Toolkit Overview; https://developers.google.com/web-toolkit/overview

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