
Learning to teach the design in technology education

Perrine Martin
IUFM Aix-Marseille University, UMR ADEF Gestepro, France

Éric Tortochot
Aix-Marseille University, UMR ADEF Gestepro, France

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Ingår i: PATT 26 Conference; Technology Education in the 21st Century; Stockholm; Sweden; 26-30 June; 2012

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 15:52, s. 444-451

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Publicerad: 2012-06-18

ISBN: 978-91-7519-849-1

ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)


In France; the last five years have been marked by the reforms of the lessons of the college and high school. It is in this context that the design has made its entry in the teaching of technology at the college and in the series STI2D (Science and technology of the industry and sustainable development).

In parallel with this entry of the design in technology education; the series STD2A (Science and Technology of Design and Applied Arts) strengthens the place of lessons technological and scientific in the learning. This evolution of knowledge taught; by the link between design and technology; naturally connected in the industrial professional field; but treaty separately to the school; accentuated the fact to rethink teacher training.

This paper aims to address the issue of the interactions between design and technology in education in college and in high school; and to think about teacher training. The analysis presented here is based on observations made within the curricula of applied arts and technology in France as well as within the activities of teaching and learning of students; for students and teachers.

How to teach Design and Technology to teachers who will be responsible to account for the relationship of these two professional fields to students in college and high school?

In what the concepts of vocational teaching and activity of design can help to understand the process that led; today; to teach the knowledge on the design to teachers whose profiles are also different? To answer these questions; we focus on the study of the establishment of a Master Craft of the teaching of the training and education option “Technology & Engineering of industrial design” in France.

It will be as well to think about the objectives associated with the training of teachers for college and vocational “lycée” and their ability to articulate technological education and teaching of design thus aiming to circumscribe the effectiveness of their practices.

From a theoretical point of view; the analysis of the joints task-activity and situations of teaching and learning; within the framework of the teachings of technology and design; is proving to be a theoretical framework particularly suited to try to understand the specificities and common points.


Design; technology; activity; situation; teacher training


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