Publicerad: 2012-10-11
ISBN: 978-91-7393-381-0
ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)
Remanufacturing is defined as a process by which an end of life product is returned to an as-new condition with an equivalent warranty. It is seen as an effective method for extending the life of product leading to an overall reduction in our environmental burden. Issues associated with remanufacturing include customer perception over reduced quality and limited access to end of life product. The implementation of product service systems is feasible way to mitigate these issues; delivering environmental benefits whilst ensuring that the user receives the services provided by the product. We will present examples including a refrigerated display cabinet remanufacturer; games console manufacturer; a vacuum pump manufacturer and an earth moving equipment manufacturer to highlight service providers using remanufacturing and remanufacturers offering services to increase their remanufacturing turnover. We will outline our activities to increase the level of remanufacturing in the UK; focusing on standards development; design initiatives and sector level engagement.
Remanufacturing; reuse; end of life; environment; service led sales; refrigerated display cabinets; vacuum pumps; earth moving equipment; games consoles
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