Publicerad: 2013-05-17
ISBN: 978-91-7519-585-8
ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)
We describe the current status of Icelandic language technology with respect to available language resources and tools. The recent META-NET survey of the state of language technology support for 30 languages clearly demonstrated that Icelandic lags behind almost all European languages in this respect. However; it is encouraging that as a result of the META-NORD project; almost all basic language resources for Icelandic are now available through the META-SHARE repository and the local site
http://www.málfö; many of them in standard formats and under standard CC or GNU licenses. This is a major achievement since many of these resources have either been unavailable up to now or only available through personal contacts. In this paper; we describe briefly most of the major resources that have been made accessible through META-SHARE; their type; content; size; format; and license scheme. It is emphasized that even though these resources are extremely valuable as a basis for further R&D work; Icelandic language technology is far from having become self-sustaining and the Icelandic language technology community will need support from partners in the Nordic countries and Europe if Icelandic is to survive in the Digital Age.
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