
Super-critical Fluid Technologies within Chematur Engineering AB

Lars Stenmark
Chematur Engineering AB, Sweden

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Ingår i: Proceedings from the Third International Disposal Conference; Karlskoga; Sweden; 10-11 November; 2003

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 9:23, s.

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Publicerad: 2003-11-07


ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)


The Chematur Engineering group of companies provides the chemical industry with process plants based on proprietary as well as licensed supercritical-fluid technologies. The range of equipment and applications include supercritical carbon dioxide and supercritical water oxidation (SCWO). The Chematur Engineering demonstration plant for SCWO is described in detail; and results from some treatability studies are given; including the treatment of de-inking sludge and sewage sludge. The results clearly show that SCWO is a very effective method for the treatment of sludge.


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(2) Steve Minett; PhD and Chris Taylor; Cleaning precision parts – from solvents to supercritical carbon dioxide; Surface World; December 2000.

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(6) M. Modell; J. Larson; S. F. Sobczynski; Supercritical Water Oxidation of Pulp Mill Sludges; Tappi Journal; 1992; 75; 6.

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(8) Jörgen Dahlin; Stora Enso Research; Oxidation of de-inking sludge in supercritical water in practice; Workshop; Managing Pulp and Paper Process Residues; 30-31 May 2002; Barcelona; Spain.

(9) A. Gidner et. al.; Supercritical Water Oxidation of Sewage Sludge – State of the Art; IBC’s Conference on Sewage Sludge and Disposal Options; March 26th-27th; 2001; Birmingham; England

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