Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 19 (2006)
Redaktör(er): Gustavsson ; Henrik (ed.)
Publicerad: 2006-11-22
ISBN: 91-85643-17-3
ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)
Antal sidor: 53
1 Efficient rendering of multiple refractions and reflections in natural objectsSeipel; Stefan ; Nivfors; Anders
2 Distributed Ray Tracing In An Open Source EnvironmentJohansson; Gunnar ; Nilsson; Ola ; Söderström; Andreas ; Museth; Ken
3 Temporal Face Normal InterpolationParus; Jindrich ; Hast; Anders ; Kolingerová; Ivana
4 A multi-sampling approachfor smoke behaviour in real-time graphicsGustavsson; Henrik ; Engström; Henrik ; Gustavsson; Mikael
5 Interactive Simulation of Elastic Deformable MaterialsServin; Martin ; Lacoursiére; Claude ; Melin; Niklas
6 Computer visualization in accident prevention in industryBogacki; Slawomir
7 Incremental Spherical Interpolation with Quadratically Varying AngleHast; Anders ; Barrera; Tony ; Bengtsson; Ewert
8 A Driving Simulator Based on Video Game TechnologyLebram; Mikael ; Engström; Henrik ; Gustavsson; Henrik
9 The Verse Networked 3D Graphics Platform (Part1)Brink; Emil ; Steenberg; Eskil ; Svensson; Gert