Philip Eberhart
TGM Wien XX, College of Engineering, Austria
Tek Shan Chung
TGM Wien XX, College of Engineering, Austria
Anton Haumer
OTH Regensburg, Germany
Christian Kral
TGM Wien XX, College of Engineering, Austria
Ladda ner artikelår i: Proceedings of the 11th International Modelica Conference, Versailles, France, September 21-23, 2015
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 118:101, s. 929-936
This paper presents the new open source Modelica libraryWindPowerPlants. For the economic assessment of either a wind power plant or an entire wind park, the accurate prediction of the energy output is essential. Such prediction is usually performed by means of calculations based on statistical wind data. The proposed WindPowerPlants library is capable of assessing the energy output both for statistical and real wind data based on time domain simulations.
In the presented version of the library wind turbine models are modeled with pitch control. The generator models have variable speed and an optional connector to the mains. The entire library is based on power balance conditions and losses are fully neglected. Yet, the library can be extended towards more detailed models considering different types of losses.
The structure and components of the library are presented. Simulations examples are shown and compared with reference data. The applicability of the proposed WindPowerPlants library is demonstrated and possible enhancements are discussed.
Wind power pants; pitch control; variable speed; energy; power; statistical wind data
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