
Kasuga-bito III: toward teamplays using online Logmonitor as online coach agent

Tomoichi Takahashi
Chubu University, Japan

Shinji Futamase
Chubu University, Japan

Akinori Kohkestu
Chubu University, Japan

Kazuaki Mæda
Chubu University, Japan

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Ingår i: RobocCup-99 Team Descriptions. Simulation League

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 4:14, s. 64-68

Linköping Electronic Articles in Computer and Information Science vol. 4 4:14, p. 64-68

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Publicerad: 1999-12-15


ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)


Kasuga-bito III is characterized by its on-line coach agent. Kasuga-bito III is composed of Logmonitor and Kasuga-bito II which was runner-up in JapanOpen98 and the champion in the RoboCup Pacific Rim Series 98. The Logmonitor advises player agents the position which strategy is authenticated by analysis of the logfiles of evaluations at RoboCup98. Our teams purpose is "from good plays detection to team with goof teamwork".


Inga nyckelord är tillgängliga


[JapanOpen98] http://www.robocup.rg/games/321.html (1998)

[Pricai98] K. Maeda; A. Kohketsu; T. Takahashi: Goal-Keeping Skills in Soccer Simulation Games; Proc. of PRICAI ’98 RoboCup Workshop; pp.96-101 (1998)

[Gal98] http://www.isi.edu/soar/galk/RoboCup/Eval/

[Cup98] http://www.robocup.org/

[Taka98] T. Takahashi; T. Naruse: From Play Recognition to Good Plays Detection; Proc. of the second RoboCup Workshop; pp. 129-134; 1998

[Issac] http://coach.isi.edu/

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