Shinichi Koyama
University of Tsukuba, Japan / Chiba University, Japan
Kana Akiyama
Chiba University, Japan
Saki Nakamura
Chiba University, Japan
Mayu Kamifuji
Chiba University, Japan
Hikari Tachino
Chiba University, Japan
Seiya Ishihara
Chiba University, Japan
Ayaka Hayashi
Chiba University, Japan
Megumi Izumisawa
Nihon University, Japan
Ladda ner artikelIngår i: KEER2018, Go Green with Emotion. 7th International Conference on Kansei Engineering & Emotion Research 2018, 19-22 March 2018, Kuching, Malaysia
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 146:20, s. 188-192
Publicerad: 2018-03-13
ISBN: 978-91-7685-314-6
ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)
Japanese Revised Pharmaceutical Affairs Law emphasizes self-medication, where consumers are expected to choose an OTC drug at their own risk. For this reason, consumers should carefully read the information on OTC drug packages. In the present study, we examined whether store display of OTC drugs can influence information-seeking behavior such as reading information on the boxes. We performed a shopping-simulation experiment and a survey. In the shopping-simulation experiment, we displayed 16 OTC cold medicines on a shelf, and asked participants to choose one drug for themselves, assuming that they had a cold and high fever. On the shelf, the drugs were displayed by brand or symptom. During the experiment, we recorded the participants’ behavior using two video recorders. In the questionnaire survey, participants evaluated their own personality by Cognitive Reflection and Impulsivity Scale. The results from t-test indicated no significant differences between the two display types. However, in the 2-way ANOVA (display type x personality), the results indicated significant interaction between the two factors. While the participants with high score in Cognitive Reflection and Impulsivity Scale box-reading behavior did not change significantly between the two display types, participants with low score in Cognitive Reflection and Impulsivity Scale read boxes more frequently and for a longer time when the drugs were displayed by brand than symptom. The results suggested influence of store display and personality on information-seeking behavior.
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