
The concept of on-going interactions in co-design: Insights from three different disciplines

Jakob Trischler
Southern Cross University, Australia

Elisabeth Sinnewe
Southern Cross University, Australia

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Ingår i: ServDes.2012 Conference Proceedings Co-Creating Services; The 3rd Service Design and Service Innovation Conference; 8-10 February; Espoo; Finland

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 67:29, s. 277-286

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Publicerad: 2013-10-16

ISBN: 978-91-7519-482-0

ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)


Co-design with the customer is identified as an effective opportunity for service design and service innovation. By reviewing the different streams of marketing; design and service innovation with emphasis on user involvement; this paper proposes a multi-disciplinary framework for mutual learning and co-design. It is suggested that the firm can use on-going interactions with customers during the value generating process to create a space for mutual learning and co-design in which the customer becomes an integrated part of the innovation and design process not only as an informant but also as a co-designer.


Co-design; service logic; service design; service innovation; concept of interaction


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