
Designing User Experiences Focused on Multimodal Perception

SuKyoung KIM
Sapporo City University, Japan

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Ingår i: KEER2018, Go Green with Emotion. 7th International Conference on Kansei Engineering & Emotion Research 2018, 19-22 March 2018, Kuching, Malaysia

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 146:48, s. 454-463

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Publicerad: 2018-03-13

ISBN: 978-91-7685-314-6

ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)


Design disciplines and research have been rapidly transforming which includes not only objects but also services as the target of design. The paper presents a methodological-practical approach to determine the vectors of affective design which is one of the research on transformative design. The research has a twofold aim which are (1) to rethink the definition and vectors of design for practical usage (2) to verify more modifiable information and a significant value to be a key in enabling affective functionality through an experiment on multisensory integration using visual-olfactory stimuli. The findings of the research provide a new perspective on practical research on affective design in terms of effective and sustainable vectors.


Multimodal, constructive perception, evaluation methodology, intuitive preference


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