
From product centricity to services: Design workshops and maps as tools in strategy articulation

Olivia Harre
IT University of Copenhagen

Lene Nielsen
IT University of Copenhagen

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Ingår i: ServDes.2020 Tensions, Paradoxes and Plurality Conference Proceedings, 2-5th February 2021, Melbourne, Australia

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 173:31, s. 311-326

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Publicerad: 2020-12-22

ISBN: 978-91-7929-779-4

ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)


This paper explores how an IT company wants to change from product- centricity to servitization. A cross-functional customer journey workshop mapped the current state from the customer’s point of view, and by identifying opportunities, it identifies gaps in becoming a service organization. Activities in the workshop focused on mapping a current customer journey and a proposition of a customer journey. The case explores how a service design workshop and tools can be used in strategic work, to support and facilitate a discussion on changes needed to be customer-centric, going beyond technology and features. The workshop and maps proved useful in facilitating and visualizing the current organizational state and identifying opportunities for what it takes to shift to servitization. This case contributes to practical aspects of how service design tools can support organizational transformation towards servitization.


service design, design workshop, customer journey mapping, servitization, organizational change


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