
Addressing tensions and paradoxes of my data. A Service Design perspective

Alessandro Carelli
Tangity — part of NTT DATA Design Network

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Ingår i: ServDes.2020 Tensions, Paradoxes and Plurality Conference Proceedings, 2-5th February 2021, Melbourne, Australia

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 173:75, s. 621-622

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Publicerad: 2020-12-22

ISBN: 978-91-7929-779-4

ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)


With personal data being recognised as the engine of digital economy and digital contact tracing systems being placed at the core of the national strategies for containing the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, addressing tensions and paradoxes affecting the personal data management landscape has never been so urgent.

Contributions from a number of research fields including Human-computer interaction, Behavioral economics and Social psychology have highlighted and offered interpretations to many of these underlying tensions and paradoxes. Furthermore MyData, a global non-profit organisation underpinned by a global self-organised community, sets out six overarching principles grounded on the idea that the ethical use of data is always the most attractive option for both businesses and society.

By drawing upon this knowledge, the present workshop seeks to engage the Service Design community to join the global effort for the empowerment of individuals and society through their personal data.

The workshop will propose a specific context of investigation based on a real industry case study concerning the design of a Personal Data Store to engage attendees in mapping out issues, opportunities and future directions for the involvement of the Service Design community in this field.

Workshop attendees will benefit from taking part in this workshop by becoming more aware of the underlying tensions and paradoxes of the personal data management landscape and contributing to identify future directions for addressing them.


mydata; personal data management; human-centred design; data ethics; personal data store


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