
EDUCATE - ett europeiskt hypertextbaserat utbildningspaket

Nancy Fjällbrant
Chalmers tekniska högskolans bibliotek, Sweden

Gunilla Thomasson
Chalmers tekniska högskolans bibliotek, Sweden

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Ingår i: Informationskompetens och Användarutbildning. NVBF 1996. Proceedings från Nordiska Vetenskapliga Biblioteksföreningars Förbunds Konferens: Linköping; Sverige; 19-20 november 1996

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 2:10, s.

Linköping Electronic Articles in Computer and Information Science vol. 10 2:10, p.

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Publicerad: 1997-11-11


ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)


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1. The scientific; technical and medical information system in the UK. London: British Library; 1993. (BLRDD report no. 6123.)

2. Flynn; P. The World Wide Web handbook. An HTML guide for users; authors and publishers. International Thomson; 1995.

3. Musciano; C. & Kennedy; B. HTML: The definitive Guide. Bonn; O’Reilly; 1996.

4. Fjällbrant; N. "EDUCATE - a networked user education project in Europe." IFLA Journal Vol.22(1996)1; pp. 31-34.

5. Priestley; J.; Roberts; S.; Tomlinson; M; Winders; R. & Yarwood; P. Satellite Feasibility study. EDUCATE Report D.9. July 1996

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