
Making Yourself Matter

Anna Sofia Lundgren
Ageing and Living Conditions Programme, ALC, Department of Culture and Media, Umeå University, Sweden

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Ingår i: Inter: A European Cultural Studies : Conference in Sweden 11-13 June 2007

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 25:40, s. 381-385

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Publicerad: 2007-11-27


ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)


This paper deals with experiences of being active as so called Class-Grandparents – elderly visiting and helping out in schools on a regular basis – and the starting point is that working as a Class-Grandparent is one way to create a space on which to exercise agency and obtain a productive position in old age. The aim of the paper is to describe and discuss how elderly persons that have been engaged as Class-Grandparents talk about their experiences – experiences that are actually described as producing an intelligible subjectivity as one of its main effects.


Inga nyckelord är tillgängliga


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