
An Application of Kansei Engineering and Rough set Model to Designing a Comprehensive Ball Pen

Mitsuo Nagamachi
User Science Research Institute, Kyushu University, Japan

Tatsuo Nishino
Dept. Of Kansei Design, Hiroshima International University, Japan

Hiroyasu Okuo
Dept. of Kansei Design, Hiroshima International University, Japan

Kouichi Ito
Dept. of Kansei Design, Hiroshima International University, Japan

Takashi Itami
Product Development Division, Zebra Ltd.Com, Japan

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Ingår i: 10th QMOD Conference. Quality Management and Organiqatinal Development. Our Dreams of Excellence; 18-20 June; 2007 in Helsingborg; Sweden

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 26:138, s.

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Publicerad: 2008-02-15


ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)


Kansei Engineering (or Affective Engineering) was founded by M. Nagamachi in 1970 at Hiroshima University. At that time; he has been very active in business world as a consultant in the fields of manufacturing; quality control and cost reduction. Meanwhile teaching many Japanese manufacturers; he felt there has been inconsistency between company philosophy and consumer needs on a product. Since Consumer had a lot of goods at home; they has had very severe mood for purchase and there has emerged such a kind of movement that they did not want to purchase if the manufacturers did not produce the good products matched to their feeling and needs. Nagamachi thought that product quality should match to the product value of the consumer side; and then he started the research of Kansei Engineering.

The kansei implies the product value which matches to the consumer’s feeling and needs. It has an attractive property to the consumer since it corresponds to their wants. Accordingly if the manufacturers understand the present consumer’s needs and wants and they transfer these to design domain; they will be successful in business market.

There are two pints leading success of a product development; the first point is to grasp what kind of product value; namely consumer’s kansei; they have in mind. Secondly; manufacturers should know how to realize this product value in the design domain as the product quality. The present paper is not success story as yet; on the process; but it will be an excellent case to show you what is going on the kansei/affective engineering. We also have an attempt to apply the rough sets theory which has compatibility with the kansei engineering to find design specification.


Kansei Engineering; a ball pen design; Rough Set Model; Upper Approximation Decision Rule


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