
Description of Cornell BigRed Small League RoboCup Team

Raffaello Dandrea
Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Cornell University, USA

Jin-Woo Lee
Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Cornell University, USA

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Ingår i: RobocCup-99 Team Descriptions. Small and Middle Leagues

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 3:3, s. 14-23

Linköping Electronic Articles in Computer and Information Science vol. 4 3:3, p. 14-23

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Publicerad: 1999-12-05


ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)


In this paper; we describe Cornell BigRed; the team of Robot Soccer competition that we developed to attend the RoboCup competition. The project entails the construction of fully autonomous; fast moving robots which will work together as a team in an e ort to compete against similar teams of robots in a robotic soccer match. We designed and built the robots and the image processing algorithm; and developed the game strategy for the many situations and the arti cial intelligence for collaboration between the robots. To provide a realistic testing platform for our arti cial intelligence system; we have constructed a simulation of the playing eld. The simulator has provided a means of testing the arti cial intelligence play-by-play even before our robots were fully constructed.


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[1] J. L. Jones and A. M. Flynn; Mobile robots: Inspiration to Implementation. A K Peters; Wellesley; 1993.

[2] E. Brookner; Tracking and Kalman Filtering Made Easy. A Wiley-Interscience Publication; 1998.

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