
The Return of the Inter-War Period Avant-Garde in Danish Poetry around the Year 2000

Peter Stein Larsen
Aalborg University, Denmark

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Ingår i: NORLIT 2009

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 42:5, s. 55-60

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Publicerad: 2010-04-27


ISSN: 1650-3740 (tryckt), 1650-3686 (online)


While Peter Bürger in Theorie der Avantgarde from 1974 looks at the avant-garde as a historical chapter; Hal Foster in The Return of the Real from 1996 describes the avant-garde as an innovative power; which; at all times; expresses itself in the art. Foster focuses on the “recycling” of previous aesthetic strategies from the avant-garde that has been (re-)emerging in the art over the last couple of years.

In my article; I will mention some of the most important ways in which this phenomenon occurs; namely: 1) Poetic works which use aesthetic strategies from the inter-war period avant-garde; 2) Essays and literary criticism discussing the inter-war period avant-garde art; and 3) Translations of poetry from the inter-war period avant-garde.


Inga nyckelord är tillgängliga


Borum; Poul (1966). Poetisk modernisme; Copenhagen.

Bukdahl; Lars (1987). Readymade!; Copenhagen.

Bürger; Peter (1974). Theorie der Avantgarde; Frankfurt am Main.

Foster; Hal (1996). The Return of the Real. The Avant-Garde at the End of the Century; Cambridge.

Frank; Niels (1993). Yucatán; Copenhagen.

Højholt; Per (2001). Auricula; Copenhagen.

Larsen; Peter Stein (2004). “Genreekspansioner. Transformationer af det centrallyriske i ny dansk litteratur”; in: KRITIK 168-69; Copenhagen.

Larsen; Peter Stein (2004). “Oversatte outsidere. Om reaktualiseringen af to tidlige avantgardister; Gertrude Stein og Max Jacob; i dansk digtning”; in: Reception nr.54; Copenhagen.

Laugesen; Peter (1991). Kunsthistorier. Det indre rums kosmonauter; Copenhagen.

Nielsen; Carsten René (1989). Mekaniker elsker maskinsyerske; Copenhagen.

Nielsen; Carsten René (1995). “Ubestandige papirsbåde”; in: Ildfisken nr.13; Århus.

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