
Dubbelsupinums eventuella föregångare

Anna-Lena Wiklund

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Ingår i: Svenskans beskrivning 24. Förhandlingar vid Tjugofjärde sammankomsten för svenskans beskrivning

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 6:26, s. 305-317

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Publicerad: 2001-01-25


ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)


In this paper I summarise the results of an investigation of Swedish texts from the period 1200-1800 with respect to the presence vs. absence of parasitic participles: verbs appearing in the participial form instead of the infinitival form when embedded under a participle. The main results of the study show that parasitic participles arise as soon as infinitive selecting verbs are being used in participial form (end of 14th century). The construction type increases in frequency in Early Modern Swedish until it suddenly disappears in the 18th century texts. It is proposed that its disappearance is due to the standardisation of written language; also visible in other contexts during this period. It is further observed that the older construction type differs from the one found in present-day Swedish in being limited to irrealis context. The connection with irrealis is confirmed by similar constructions in other Germanic languages.


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